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Mouthpiece instruments Trumpet



Hunting horn


Prescription instruments... ​ Mouthpiece and reed instruments







Day of discovery of sharing and exchange which allows you to get to know Robert Pichaureau, his philosophy, his discoveries, his remedies and start practicing the first exercises on yourself. Where does lip pain come from? How does this hinder progress? What are the physiological and physical consequences on musicians? How to get rid of this suffering What does this mean once removed? How to now access the super-high pitch without suffering and develop your detached sound. individual and personalized analysis of your instrumental playing and awareness of your individual problems.

Vincent Molères

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Hello musician friends, ​

    I had the privilege of working with Robert Pichaureau for almost 20 years. It was a real joy and a discovery of myself. I have been teaching his magnificent “No-Pressing” method for almost 40 years. His philosophy of life and music saved a good number of musicians from failure, who despite sometimes hard work, were entangled in problems as mysterious as they were insoluble. While obviously undergoing continuous pain and suffering, including of course the sore lips specific to wind instruments.

   Robert Pichaureau helped these wind instrumentalists, young and old, to become accomplished, fulfilled artists, happy to play and eager to pass on their art. There are still a few of us who perpetuate his teaching.

   More than just musical learning, Robert Pichaureau's teaching modifies over time the perception we have of music, of the instrument, of sound, but also of what surrounds us. His philosophy of life penetrated us little by little, and very strong bonds were created between the Master and his students who formed a family, his family.

   Like me, those who believed in him, without ever deviating an inch and who completed all the marked stages one by one, knew that if their instrument went wrong in one way or another, they would always be able to repair it. themselves, while now knowing how to help other musicians overcome by doubt and suffering.

   I pass on gradually and without any alteration all the discoveries, exercises and remedies left to us by Robert Pichaureau who told me: "it's guaranteed!" Thanks again to him for passing on to us the secret of wind instruments and the voice.

Concerto en Ré mGeorg Philipp allégro
00:00 / 01:27
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